Tree Removal

We Deliver the Exceptional Service You Expect for Your Tree Removals

Trust the experienced tree specialists at Toogood Tree Service in Worden, MT, for professional tree removal and stump grinding services. Our courteous and fully trained crews are here for you, from your unwanted shrubs to the largest trees. If you have fallen or standing trees that need to be removed, we have the equipment to do the job, including aerial lifts, bucket trucks, sawmills, stump grinders, and chippers. We will safely remove trees from any location, including in limited spaces.

Stump Grinding Complements Your Tree Removals

Stump grinding is the perfect complement to your tree removals. Toogood Tree Service will leave your land looking clean and clear by grinding your stumps away. Our stump grinding process involves using a stump grinder to grind the stump into small wood chips. Stump grinding is often done after a tree has been cut down or removed, as it helps to prevent regrowth and reduces the risk of pests and diseases that can be attracted to decaying stumps. It is an effective and efficient way to remove unwanted stumps from your property.

Let Our Experts Take Care of Your Storm-Damaged Tree Removal

Was there a recent storm that caused tree damage on your property? If so, let the experts at Toogood Tree Service handle your storm-damaged tree removal. We can safely and efficiently remove damaged or fallen trees due to severe weather conditions such as storms, high winds, or lightning. Removing damaged trees as soon as possible is essential to prevent further damage to property and ensure people’s safety in the surrounding area. Storm-damaged tree removal typically involves cutting down the tree, removing the debris, and grinding the stump. It is a dangerous task that a professional tree removal company should do with the proper equipment and experience. 

For more information about our tree removal and stump grinding services or to schedule a free estimate, call us today at 406-620-8733.

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